2022-11-09 After cooling the wort is aerated to increase yeast activity and to start the fermentation process. The amount of oxygen required depends on yeast strain, wort temperature, wort gravity, amount of trub in the wort, and a number of other factors.Oxygen RequirementsThe oxygen requirements for individu
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2022-10-31 Most people probably know that the oxygen could easily cause wort aeration during beer brewing, that would make the wort with darker color, worse mouth feel and not good for the beer stability.So what would cause the wort aeration? There are generally three main reasons as below:(1). The mash flowin
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2022-08-08 Yeasts need oxygen to convert the sugars in the wort into alcohol and CO2 – turning the sugary malt water into a delicious and complex beer. During the wort boiling process, most of the oxygen is dissipated from the solution. To put much-needed oxygen back into the wort, home brewers use a technique
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