2023-02-08 TemperatureThis is the most important factor to consider when drinking alcohol.The gas (carbon dioxide) in beer has a higher solubility at low temperature. Compared with the cold beer, it will release more and more violent bubbles after oral heating at room temperature or when drinking. This is extr
Read More 2023-01-12 The “modification” of grain during malting is solely the task of the maltster. The maltster will harness nature and natural processes to create the soul of every beer. Modification along with enzyme creation are the two primary goals of malting cereal grain. The brewer or distiller will use some of
Read More 2023-01-11 In light of 2023, we’d like to present 5 New Year’s Resolutions for Beer Lovers! Now, if you’re interested in becoming a self-proclaimed beer nerd (in the best way possible, of course), we’ve come up with ways to make your wish come true. Congratulations, you’re on your way to finally fulfilling a N
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