2022-09-29 Beer Brewing and TechnologyI often open my designing beer presentations with a description of the technical nature of brewing. Beer brewing is a much more technical hobby than wine, cider or mead making. Wine makers spend time discussing terrior, flavors and grape varieties, while beer brewers end u
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2022-07-15 The layer of foam formed at the top of your beer makes it taste different due to the presence of surface-active compounds. Besides, a foam carries a massive trigeminal sensation, which means that you can only physically perceive the “taste” effects.Let’s say the “hot” sensation of chili peppers or t
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2022-06-09 We’ve talked about how long you should keep your ale before, while many would guess that longer is better that is no always the case. Some is better kept a year while others are better to drink very soon. But what is actually happening to the ale?
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