2022-10-10 Can you really turn brews into booze? Yes! In fact, all whiskey comes from beer – of a sort. “Distiller’s beer” is the alcoholic liquid used to produce the spirit, and it’s nowhere near the same as the cold one you crack open after a long day. Also called the “wash,” it is thin and sour. You would f
Read More 2022-09-20 Distillation is the separation process of liquids having different high boiling points.By selective vaporization and condensation of the liquid mixture, the components of the mixture can be separated and purified. Various industries and laboratories use this process of distillation to separate liqui
Read More 2022-08-12 What is Spirit Tourism?The definition of Spirit Tourism (in this discussion) refers to the visit of Spirit-related attractions which can be museums, distilleries or spirit events.In general, if the main purpose of your trip or visit has anything to do with alcoholic spirits or liqueurs (whether it i
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