2023-02-15 Wort concentration generally refers to the proportion of wort formed by the malt (the term wort in beer) after the sugar process. Generally, the specific gravity of water is recorded as 1.000, if the malt in wort is enzymatically hydrolyzed to produce a lot of maltose or some other fermentable sugar
Read More 2022-11-04 Hops, a minor ingredient in beer, are used for their bittering, flavoring, and aroma-enhancing powers. Hops also have pronounced bacteriostatic activity that inhibits the growth of Gram-positive bacteria in the finished beer and, when in high enough concentrations, aids in precipitation of proteins.
Read More 2022-11-03 Beer is the third most consumed beverage in the world after water and tea.Although some people promote it as an ideal post-workout drink, beer is slightly dehydrating. Thus, you may wonder whether it’s as effective as other sports beverages like water, protein shakes, and electrolyte drinks.
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