2021-01-19 With the improvement of people's living standard and the change of consumption concept, beer varieties are developing towards diversification. Wheat beer is a kind of low alcohol beverage made of high quality wheat bud by scientific method.Wheat beer is a fermented beer made with at least 50% wheat
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2021-01-14 Formation and solution of beer chroma The color of beer comes from raw malt, and the color change rule in the whole beer production process is as follows:1.feeding and saccharification: chroma formation and rise, pigment material leaching;2.Wort filtration and washing grains: color reduction due to
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2021-01-13 American beer swept the world through commercialization, a very important reason lies in the use of rice and corn starch, which greatly reduced the cost, making beer thoroughly become a fast consumer goods, thus sweeping the world. At the same time, after all, it brings some rice flavor, although dilute the beer flavor, but also more refreshing and crisp taste. Beer has become more acceptable to a wider range of consumers and has become a powerful tool to expand the consumer group.No beer can be brewed 100% from rice. Rice can only be used as an additive.
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