2023-01-03 Hop preservation needs to pay attention to four issues: oxygen, temperature, light, humidity. Oxygen Oxygen is the number one enemy of hops. Oxygen can oxidatively polymerize alpha acid, losing its original taste and antiseptic ability. The polymerized hard resin such as gamma resin is one of the ma
Read More 2022-12-26 Hops are usually ready to pick by late August or early September depending on where you live. Select a random cone and cut it vertically. A ripe cone will have yellow dust (lupulin) in the center and it should be pungently hoppy. Another way to tell is to snap a hop cone in half. If it breaks like a
Read More 2022-12-26 Beer hops are typically added to wort in 3 stages during the boil: bittering, flavor, and aroma. These stages have to do with what role they are playing in your beer, and are not associated with a specific type of hop. In other words, the same hop variety might be used for bittering, flavor, and aro
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