2023-01-09 Lautering is a method of separating sweet wort from spent grain. Historically, especially in British ale brewing practice, mashing and lautering often took place in a single vessel, a combination mash–lauter tun. But brewers soon realized that optimizing separate vessels for each part of the process
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2022-12-28 What Is a Beer Growler?A beer growler is a container or vessel that is used for the transport of beer. It can also be described as an air-tight jug, typically made out of glass, ceramic or stainless steel that allows you to take draft beer from one place to another without a degradation of quality.
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2022-12-26 A mash tun, also combined with a lauter tun, is a vessel in which you infuse your grains; usually a large cooler (or kettle) equipped with a false bottom and a valve with a spigot that allows you to draw off the sweet wort.In order to extract the sugar from the grains, you mix them into the mash tun
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