2022-10-27 Firstly, you need to understand the distillation process Distillation usually happens in distill column, using multiple cycles of condensing and evaporating, the alcohol is separated from wash. When heating the boil kettle, the alcohol vapor would rise to Copper Helmet and goes into still column whe
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2022-03-11 As far as the art of brewing, distilling, and winemaking is concerned, blending is critical to getting the desired flavor batch by batch. The manufacture of these beverages is essentially a batch process where the need for repeatability is critical.Mixing is the controlled stirring of the ingredient
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2022-02-17 Everyone knows that a well-aged whiskey has panache. The older it is, the more stylish, tasteful, and sophisticated. It’s a part of our culture.But few people actually understand how the aging process works. It turns out, it’s not just a marketing gimmick, not even close. Spending years in aging bar
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