2023-02-17 Cleaning and sanitizing all you brew equipment is the one thing you can do to guarantee your beer doesn’t spoil. If you fail to adequately clean and sanitize your equipment, you have a good chance of ruining your beer. Thankfully, cleaning and sanitizing is pretty damn easy. It just takes some atten
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2022-12-29 Sugar in BeerTo start our learning process, it’s safe to say that beer does have sugar but not in that sense. As we all know, sugar is the simplest form of carbohydrate and is made up of different types. Beer has two different types of sugar, which are disaccharides and oligosaccharides.The disaccha
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2022-12-29 Few points to know:1- Most lagers and stouts require soft water while most pale ales need hard water (calcium sulphate and calcium chloride))2- Hardness is mainly due either to lots calcium and magnesium in the water (permanent hardness) or bicarbonate in the water (temporary hardness) — which can b
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