2021-12-29 BackgroundThe name brandy comes from the Dutch word brandewijn, which means "shochu". The name is apt, because most brandy is made by heating wine (originally from an open flame). The heat dissipates and concentrates the alcohol naturally present in the wine. Because alcohol has a lower boiling poin
Read More 2021-12-21 Spirits are beverages that contain purified ethanol—purified potable ethanol. They are made from fermented purees of grains, fruits or vegetables. Such beverages are low in sugar and have an alcohol content of at least 35%. Examples of distilled spirits include brandy, gin, tequila, vodka, and whisk
Read More 2021-12-17 Distillation is considered to be one of the most cost-effective and reliable chemical separation methods. The distillation process is a form of unit operation and is widely used in various industrial applications. There are basically two types of distillation equipment on the market. They are widely
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