2023-02-24 What is fairness? What is brewerys valuation useful for?First, in case this isn’t clear, I think I’d better clarify what equity is and what valuation is. Personally, I believe that founders should know brewerys what their business is worth at any given time, regardless of whether an investment raise
Read More 2022-11-02 Have you ever poured a beer or been drinking from a bottle and noticed a cloudy layer of white stuff in the bottom of the bottle? There are some odd theories floating around about that stuff, and most of them aren't true. Here's the real story.
Read More 2022-10-26 That many people have tasted craft beer, but how long does it take to ferment the craft beer equipment? There are a lot of people who don't know, and if you're thinking about brewing beer for the first time, you'll have a lot of questions. One of them will be how long it takes to make beer. The best
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