2022-11-02 Alcohol by volume, or ABV, is used to measure the alcohol content of beer, wine, distilled spirits, and other alcoholic beverages. Beers typically fall in the 3.0 to 13.0 percent ABV range, with the majority being 4.0 to 7.0 percent ABV. Some can be weaker or stronger than this.
Read More 2022-10-09 What Is An Infection?Infection refers to the introduction or presence of undesirable microorganisms in beer or raw materials, When these undesirable microorganisms are made into beer and start to compete for sugar with cultured yeast, infection will occur. Bacteria or undesirable microorganisms in w
Read More 2022-09-06 Vessels needed for brewingCommercial brewing requires several different types of big vessels made of stainless steel. First, the water gets heated in a dedicated vessel called the Hot Liquor Tank (“liquor” is referring to the technical term for any liquid used in a process of some kind, not the liqu
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