2024-03-21 The are different setup for a brewhouse. For a small volume less than 1000L, you may need a 2-vessel type, as well as a 3-vessel type. But for a volume more than 2000L per batch, a four-vessel type would be needed for brewing. No matter why type you choose, it has nothing to do with the quality of b
Read More 2024-03-13 There are eight steps in beer brewing. These processes include:Malting Milling Mashing Brewing Fermentation Maturation Filtration PackagingBut at this moment, we’re taking a keen interest in mashing.In beer production, mashing is the process that precedes brewing. It involves mi
Read More 2023-02-15 The first stage of craft good beerMalt crushing: 10 minutes before crushing, add 5% of the weight of the malt to wet the surface of the malt. When there is no obvious water droplets on the surface of the malt, it can be crushed. Add the malt into the hopper and start crushing. During the crushing pr
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