2022-12-30 Oxidation results in a stale, cardboard-like taste in your beer.If you are experiencing this, there are a couple of possibilities:If you have been storing your beer for an extended period of time, the beer may have become oxidized. While the bottle cap does provide a nearly airtight seal, air may se
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2022-07-20 As counterintuitive as it may seem, stale beer has its own perks. If you find yourself with too many opened cans of booze, you can actually put the leftovers to good use around your house. So, instead of pouring out those suds, why not learn how to make beer stale for later DIY uses.What you will ne
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2022-03-28 As we all know, after the brewing process of beer, the soluble extract and insoluble wort in the mash should be separated in the shortest time to obtain as much clear wort as possible. In fact, the separation process of wort is a filtration process, and the husk in the malt also acts as a filter med
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