2022-10-11 Fermentation differenceThe ale beers use the yeast that can ferment at warmer temperature, so the fermentation is faster.Primary fermentation: 3-4 days, maturing for extra 3-4 days.Just fermentation tanks are enought for ale beer, no need for bright beer/maturing tank. The lager beers use the yeast
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2022-10-10 Everyone enjoys cutting loose every now and again, and the most popular way people tend to go about it is to enjoy a few drinks. Socializing with your friends, knocking back a few is almost always a guarantee of a good time, and the standard drink of choice in social situations is beer. However, it
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2022-10-09 The nutritional value of beer exceeds that of wine. The values of protein, fiber, B vitamins, folate, and niacin found in beer make it more like food. Wine is also a good source of antioxidants, which can help protect against heart disease and some forms of cancer. However, beer has more health bene
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