2024-03-18 Beer vs. Vodka: IngredientsBeer is typically brewed from four main ingredients; malted grains, hops, water, and yeast. Malted grains provide sugar for the yeast to process into alcohol and carbon dioxide gas. Hops provide flavoring for beer, and water holds everything together.There are many grains
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2024-03-08 Can Beer Mold?Absolutely, beer can mold. Beer can be contaminated with mold spores during and after the brewing process. And under the right conditions, these spores will grow and spread on the beer’s surface. Mold in beer can lead to unpleasant smells and taste notes. Molded beer is also a health h
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2022-12-19 Speaking of beer, I believe I have basically drunk it. Beer is always indispensable for gatherings and meals. We always drink it every time we drink it, but few people explore it. I will introduce it to you today.1. Eyre and Lager are two types of fermentationBy distinguishing the fermentation tempe
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