2022-09-29 The Malting ProcessThe malting process starts with raw barley grain, harvested from the field. The grain is dry when brought into the malt house, but the first step is to immerse the grain into water to raise the water content up enough to get the barley seeds to sprout.Within a day or so the barley
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2022-09-19 Have you ever looked at the ingredients list on a package of baking yeast and seen something called “yeast nutrient?” If you’re like most people, you probably just assumed that it was some kind of filler ingredient and didn’t give it a second thought. However, yeast nutrient is actually a very impor
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2022-07-18 The Production of Malt from Barley employs 6 main steps:Barley Selection: Barley is selected on the basis of variety, the location in which it was grown, and physical and analytical evaluation, including moisture content, protein content and germinating capacity.Storing, Cleaning and Sizing: Barley
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