2023-01-09 Homebrewers don’t usually give a lot of thought to the boil. Other than adding hops from time to time there doesn’t really appear to be much happening. But the boil is essential to a good beer for a number of reasons. Besides accommodating the hops schedule the boil also sterilizes the wort, denatur
Read More 2022-11-18 During the mash, enzymes attack complex carbohydrates in the grain and break them up into more simple sugars that yeast can digest. If all (or most) of the available complex carbohydrates are modified by the enzymes and extracted in the wort, a 'high efficiency' is achieved. If much of the total ava
Read More 2022-10-17 These two terms, malting and mashing. What do they mean to you? The malting process is a fairly broad and generic term given to processing raw grains just as mashing can have a fairly broad definition as well. So let’s delve in to investigate why these two terms can be so fluid and to use this under
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