2022-06-08 Rum is the oldest spirit that has been discovered and the first spirit to be manufactured and distilled for non-medical purposes. Most historians agree that the first-ever rum was distilled in the 1620s in the Caribbean and West Indies regions.With such a long background, countless stories and myths
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2022-01-20 As far as distilling goes, the question of whether or not silicone is okay to use in your equipment has been quite controversial and we aren’t quite sure why. Silicone gets a pretty bad rep within the distilling community and many hobbyists will argue that PTFE gaskets are the better option, but are
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2022-01-20 This is a very common question you’ll see on the forums and in the comment sections of youtube videos. You yourself might be wondering the same thing so let’s dive into the initial equipment inspection and cleaning process you’ll want to carry out before making your spirits.
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