2023-02-24 One of the most neglected procedures in homebewing is the boil. After all, it’s only boiling the wort, right? Well, yes and no. Believe it or not, boiling the wort accomplishes quite a few things. These include:It extracts the hop α-acids, isomerizes them, then dissolves them.It stops all enzyme act
Read More 2023-01-04 When searching for a kombucha brewery consultant, there are several key qualities that you should look for in order to ensure that you are working with a knowledgeable and experienced professional. Here are some of the main qualities that you should consider, with explanations:
Read More 2022-12-28 What is “Beer Clean”?A “beer clean” glass is a glass that is clean enough not to diminish the beer drinking experience. It does not take much residue to cause head retention and aroma problems in a beer. A small amount of sanitizer, detergent, or oil can make a significant difference in the percepti
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