2023-01-09 We've all done it. You forget something, miss a calculation, or your efficiency is off. Whatever the reason, rather than just accepting what you've got, here are two easy ways to correct a high or low missed OG.Once you’ve missed your OG you are faced with the problem of what to do with your batch.
Read More 2020-12-17 First of all, [wort concentration (12°P)] and [wort gravity (1.048)] are actually a conversion relation. They both represent the content of extract in wort, that is, the sugar content. General will, the proportion of water is 1.000, so the proportion of wort will be greater than the proportion of water, because the starch in the wort (wort) through enzyme hydrolysis of fermentable sugars and fermentation of sugar, so the proportion of wort must be greater than the proportion of water
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