2022-12-28 The best thing to do about your stuck sparge is avoid it in the first place. Here are some strategies for doing this:
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2022-12-26 Mash efficiency refers to the extent to which you are able to pull the sugars out of the malted grain and into the water. A high percentage of sugar recovery (75-90%) is called 'high mash efficiency'. A low percentage (60-75%) is called 'low mash efficiency'. Since the amount of sugar in the water c
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2022-11-18 During the mash, enzymes attack complex carbohydrates in the grain and break them up into more simple sugars that yeast can digest. If all (or most) of the available complex carbohydrates are modified by the enzymes and extracted in the wort, a 'high efficiency' is achieved. If much of the total ava
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