2022-08-12 What is Malt?Malt is Grain that has been Steeped, Germinated and Kilned according to certain procedures. Malted Grain differs from Raw Grain in several ways:Malt contains less moisture and therefore is more suitable for storage and grindingThe Endosperm of Malted Grain has been modified during germi
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2022-01-17 Craft brewery has many meanings, depending on who you ask. The Craft Spirits Association of America defines a craft distillery as "a distillery that values the importance of transparency in distillation and maintains a positive attitude in the use of its ingredients, the location and process of dist
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2022-01-14 Everyone's starting point is different. Some are expanding from brewing to distilling and will have a good baseline. Some will work at another winery and are ready to take the plunge and start their own winery. When others are just beginning their winemaking journey, they need help every step of the
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