2023-01-11 ‘The foam on top of my beers means I get less beer’Fact: There are many different names for this foam sitting on top of your brew and, no, it does not mean you rubbed the bartender the wrong way because it serves a purpose! This foam is created by the nucleation of bubbles as the beer is poured. The
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2022-10-26 Craft beer gives you worth for cashThe typical alcohol material (ABV) of craft beer is 5% to 10%, yet some of the most popular craft beers have ABV as high as 40%! By contrast, mass-produced beers produced by huge firms are less fond of a bottle, so the ABV of beer is 4 to 6 percent, or even as redu
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2022-10-08 It is not normal for Metallic to appear in any flavored beer. If you can taste Metallic or bloody taste in beer, it is recommended not to drink this beer. Under normal circumstances, the source of iron ions is only a very small amount of iron-containing protein in grains, which will enter the beer d
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