2023-01-03 Filtration is a crucial step in the beer brewing process. After the mashing is completed, the mash enters the lauter tun for filtration, so as to obtain a relatively clear wort. Let us discuss the filtering operation steps of the lauter tun together.Check the equipment: Before the end of saccharific
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2022-10-08 The most common odor in commercial beer and craft beer is the smelly “Light-struck” flavor and aroma. It can make your beer emit a strong smell (it feels like a skunk) and make it unpleasant to drink.
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2022-10-08 The peculiar smell in beer has always been a headache for brewers, although some peculiar smells are characteristic in some beer styles. But acetaldehyde is a special taste, because it may cause you to have a hangover, which is very detrimental to your health.
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