2022-10-28 There are usually four method to add the yeast into the tanks1)Dry adding method.Put suitable amount cool wort into the yeast tank,and measure needed amount yeast(0.6%-0.8%),put it into the yeast tank,mix the yeast and wort together evenly.Finally use the sterile compressed air pressure the yeast in
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2022-10-14 The pressure control for conical fermenterUtilizing conical tank for fermenting, it without pressure at the begining. In order to emission bad taste of volatile substances. When recycle CO2 adopt slight pressure(lower 0.01-0.02MPA). In the later period of fermenting that outsight fermenting level re
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2022-09-28 Indirect cooling method: the refrigerant is a mixture of ethanol or glycol and water, it is cooled in the evaporator box of the ammonia refrigerator, the temperature is generally controlled at around -5°C, the refrigerant flows in from below and out from above.Direct cooling method: The refrigerant
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