2022-12-30 Oxidation results in a stale, cardboard-like taste in your beer.If you are experiencing this, there are a couple of possibilities:If you have been storing your beer for an extended period of time, the beer may have become oxidized. While the bottle cap does provide a nearly airtight seal, air may se
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2022-12-30 The first one on our list of best ways to use old beer is to cook with it. Beer can add a unique flavor to many dishes, from stews and sauces to marinades and desserts. Make sure to use a beer you like the taste of for better results.One of the most popular recipes for stale beer is beer bread. It’s
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2022-10-14 What is Sparging?Sparging is the rinsing of the grain bed to extract as much of the sugars from the grain as possible without extracting mouth-puckering tannins from the grain husks. Typically, 1.5 times as much water is used for sparging as for mashing (e.g., 8 lbs. malt at 2 qt./lb. = 4 gallon mas
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