2022-12-28 What is “Beer Clean”?A “beer clean” glass is a glass that is clean enough not to diminish the beer drinking experience. It does not take much residue to cause head retention and aroma problems in a beer. A small amount of sanitizer, detergent, or oil can make a significant difference in the percepti
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2022-12-28 Unlike some wines, distilled spirits don't age or mature in the bottle. Your unopened bottle of scotch that's been on the shelf for 20 years will taste the same as it would have the day it was bottled. However, once you open a bottle, some liquors will go bad, and others will lose their character ov
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2022-10-18 Though the majority of people think that there is nothing more important than the actual process of brewing beer and the steps that you take to do so, the reality is that the steps that follow are equally important.The approach that you take to bottle or keg your beer is a crucial step when it comes
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