2022-06-10 Maturation Post Distillation: You can use your brewery tanks for spirit storage. Since you do not need to control temperature or hold under carbon dioxide pressure you can substitute much simpler, less expensive tanks for this step. The liquor at this point will need to be held in a separate bonded
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2022-01-25 The first step to distill a good spirit is to ferment a good wash! In order to ferment your ingredients properly, you should know where your ingredients are coming from and how they react with each other. This is especially important for the sugar that is interacting with the yeast in your ferment.
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2022-01-10 When visiting a Romanian at home, chances are you will be greeted with a glass ofțuică, the welcome drink par excellence. A strong colorless spirit made of plums, lately țuică is enjoying a higher profile and has been making its way into bars, leaving behind the humble, rural traditions the drink is
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